Quake Mania

Квэйк-мания (Quake Mania)
- Publisher: New World Studio
- Date: 1996
A Russian Quake compilation CD featuring both the original Quake and several popular modifications and total conversions, including early versions of what would become influential multiplayer mods.
- Quake I
- Quake II
- Quake Air
- Quake Rally
- Team Fortress
- System Requirements: Pentium 90, 16MB RAM, 40MB HDD, 2X CD-ROM, Windows 95
- Квэйк-мания (piper.old-games.ru)
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- Do you have a copy of this CD?
- Do you know where to get this CD?
Perhaps you can share a list of files on this CD?
Please reach out: Jason.Brownlee05@gmail.com