World of Quake Issue 2

Мир Quake: Выпуск 2 (World of Quake: Issue 2)
- Publisher: XXI century
- Date: 1998
A comprehensive Russian-market compilation CD featuring both the original Quake and Quake II games, along with numerous modifications, tools, and utilities. This release focuses heavily on providing various versions of both games optimized for different hardware and operating systems, including specialized 3DFx versions and patches.
- Multiple Quake versions (v1.01, v1.06, v1.07, Russian version, OS/2 patch)
- 3D-accelerated variants (GLQuake v0.92, 3DFx versions for both Quake and Quake II)
- Complete Russian CD version of Quake II with v3.10 patch
- 11 major Quake mods/conversions including:
- Alien Quake
- Malice
- Pain Keep v1.1
- XMen
- Quake Rally
- Iron LTV
- Level Master V
- Q-Zone
- Q2 New Episode
- Tndgne
- 8 different versions of level editors including:
- GlqooIe v2.07 and v2.11
- WinQoole v1.998, v2.0, v2.07, v2.10, and v2.30
- WorldCraft v1.3 and v1.5
- Networking utilities (GameSpy v1.5, Qhost v5.0, Quakespy v5.21)
- Various utility programs for PAK file creation and WAD management
- Quake II add-ons including custom player models and cheat utilities
- Мир Quake. Выпуск 2 (
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