Numbers Does Quake

Numbers Does Quake
- Publisher: Numbers IBM Division / Seven7Seven
- Developer: Seven7Seven
A comprehensive warez CD compilation combining a curated collection of Quake content and the Walnut Creek Toolkit for Quake 2nd Edition. The release represents a significant effort to gather, test, and organize Quake-related content from various sources, including the internet and commercial CDs, with a particular focus on Team Fortress content.
- Total size of 680MB (480MB for Numbers Does Quake + 200MB for Toolkit)
- Menu-driven interface for core content installation
- Core game files including Quake v1.06, GLquake v.94, WinQuake v1.0, Q95.bat
- 240 add-on levels from the Toolkit
- 15MB of compressed Quake skins
- 30MB of compressed Quake bots including Eliminator and Reaper
- 80MB of compressed maps for Team Fortress & CTF
- 60MB of compressed game conversions (20 total conversions listed)
- Commercial add-ons: Mission Pack 1 (Scourge of Armagon), Mission Pack 2 (Dissolution of Eternity)
- Major mods: Team Fortress v2.5/2.6, Capture The Flag v4.1/4.2, QuakeRally v1.0, Shrak
- Toolkit includes 140 utility programs, 62 graphics-related files, 25 documentation files
- 47 recorded game demos
- Complete 3DFX support including Glide Drivers v2.31 and setup guide
- Multiple level editors: WorldCraft v1.2 Registered, QED Editor Suite, Level Master 5
- QuakeWorld v2.0 and QuakeSpy v5.3 included
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